Invest in your team by adding a Software Development as a Service (SDaaS) resource to Gain Competitive Advantage.

By Peter Ayres


Staying on top of support for legacy systems, and development of newer solutions, requires more than just a skilled internal team—what you need is access to a diverse pool of expertise and resources. This is where Software Development as a Service (SDaaS) steps in. By partnering with an SDaaS provider like FlexiDev, you’re not just augmenting your team with additional talent; you’re tapping into a vast reserve of technical knowledge and experience. Imagine embedding a seasoned software developer directly onto your team, project or support, backed by the collective wisdom and support of a larger network of developers at FlexiDev. Ensure greater scope for better results with some technical input into your solutions and processes, raising the game for your performance going forward. The benefits speak for themselves.

Where do many tech firms go wrong?

Mastering new technology involves more than just scouring Google and social media for tech tutorials. While vendors on these platforms offer valuable insights, achieving proficiency in a new tech requires extensive hands-on experience and expertise of similar technologies. Nonetheless, many organisations opt for in-house training. This is really only suitable if the technology aligns with your team member core competencies and responsibilities. When the technology is peripheral to the goals of your team, investing substantial time and resources in training may not be the most efficient approach. We find this leads to less effective work-arounds which are consequently not sustainable long-term. Instead, consider outsourcing to a specialised tech expert that can provide solutions with a longer shelf life for your product to stay ahead of the curve. Ensure your team can focus on their core tasks while benefitting from the expertise of professionals that are there to implement the necessary modifications and upgrades, freeing up critical team resources in the process.

An investment in your team

Adding an SDaaS resource demonstrates to your team the value you place in them, giving your own solution providers the capacity to prioritise on their tasks while we take care of the tech side of operations. Your team are motivated by the opportunity to share the load with other top-tier tech professionals, while our SDaaS is engaged in plugging the shortfall in your team’s knowledge-base. Furthermore, collaboration with an SDaaS resource helps examine current thinking and, hence, fuel innovative decision-making. Our team can contribute by looking at optimisation of your software package, and therein produce POCs (proof of concept proposals) to implement any necessary upgrades to enhance performance. This may involve investigating possible integrations and flow modifications to streamline user experience and maximise customer retention. Above all, the SDaaS resource is impartial and can give an outsider’s view: they are aligned and integrated with your team but can add perspective too. Gain a clearer picture of your options so you can more accurately identify your roadmap to success.

Up the tempo and shift team dynamics

Utilise your SDaaS resource to identify opportunities for product enhancements and to track the effectiveness of solutions to-date, promoting clarity and understanding which benefits from our expertise and lessons-learned. Your SDaaS resource will, as per standard, keep a record of your business domain and reinforce your team’s grasp of the most current systems and solutions to facilitate better adaptation to market demands, scaling of development efforts, automation of processes and delivery of resilient software solutions. Tapping into the insights of our SDaaS resource yields a deeper understanding of the most effective steps forward to address pain points, moreover removing friction points along the customer journey. Lead with innovation to improve product performance.

Affordability and Consistency

Your FlexiDev SDaaS resource operates across time zones, ensuring prompt and highly-reachable support tailored to your needs. For our Australian clients, our Indonesian SDaaS team offers a strategic advantage by being in close proximity, enabling rapid response times and direct engagement. We also maintain smooth communication channels with clients in Europe, the US and elsewhere, delivering impactful updates through regular weekly progress meetings and continuous online exchange. This global approach allows you to leverage additional capacity at competitive rates, ensuring optimal productivity and flexibility for your projects. Moreover, the streamlined communication processes facilitated by your SDaaS partner ensures all your stakeholders are on the same page as regards progress, regardless of geographical location. On-time delivery of quality product features from request to implementation, where you are based and where you do business. Minimise time-to-market in delivery of your software solution enhancements.

Get in touch to find out more

Whether it’s a surge in workload due to a new project or a need to reallocate resources to address urgent issues, the SDaaS model provides the agility to adapt swiftly. Regular updates between our teams and responsive online messaging promotes transparency and accountability, enabling value-rich collaboration across your distributed and onsite teams. This fosters a culture of trust and sharing, where members feel connected and valued. Your team deserves the best and with SDaaS you can provide them with the tools and support they need to achieve greater heights and drive sustainable growth. Reach out to receive a full breakdown of the talent to best supplement your current offering, including resumes and technology stacks. Optimise your workflow with FlexiDev SDaaS solutions today.

Randy Hardianto

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